Vodafone Madhya Pradesh (MP) Night Calling Plans Prepaid

    213 days212 Local V-V Night Minutes(valid for 1 day)
    426 days422 Local V-V Night Minutes (valid for 1 day)
    11228 days0250 MB 3G Core Data + 250MB 3G Night Data (Night Data Applicable between 12AM to 06 AM)
    18228 days0625 MB 3G Core Data + 625 MB 3G Night Data (Night Data Applicable between 12AM to 06 AM)
    29228 days01.5 GB 3G Core Data + 1.5 GB 3G Night Data (Night Data Applicable between 12AM to 06 AM)
    333333Rs.333 Talktime + 2 Local Vodafone night min. Local Vodafone night min has validity of 1 day

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