Vodafone Jammu and Kashmir 4G Recharge Offers Prepaid

    81 day030 MB 3G data
    457 days0180 MB 3G Data
    10114 days0400 MB 3G Data
    13521 days0600 MB 3G Data
    24521 days01GB 3G Data
    25028 days01GB 3G Data
    64928 days05 GB 3G Data
    65130 days0Unlimited Data : 3 GB 3G Data. Post 3 GB Usage, continue to browse @64kbps Rate
    85128 days07 GB 3G Data
    95128 days08 GB 3G Data
    99828 days010 GB 3G Data
    149928 days010 GB 3G Data

    Disclaimer: All information available on www.mobilerechargeplans.com website has been collected from the official website of RBI. Although, we have taken reasonable efforts to provide you with accurate information, but www.mobilerechargeplans.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the information and would advise you to verify it from the official website of respective banks. This is not official website of any bank/RBI nor we are related with them by any manner. For any queries or concerns please Contact us