Idea Haryana 4G Recharge Offers Prepaid

    2828 days0500 MB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming
    4528 days01 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet
    511 day01 GB 4G/3G Night Internet (12 midnight - 6 AM) | Night Time 12 am to 6 am;thereafter Default rate 4p/10kb apply Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming;Actual Internet speed would depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users etc.
    5230 days27Local + STD + OG @2p/sec (30 days) | 100 MB 2G/3G/4G Data, After Free Data Usage, Overage Charges 4p/10KB will be applicable;Blackout Days Year 2018: No Free or discounted SMS will be available on the following days between 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours, your regular tariff plan i.e. Regular SMS charges will be applicable as per the rates in the tariff plan on the following days:-1-Jan-18 (New Year) 14-Feb-18 (Valentine Day) 1-Mar-18 (Prior Holi) 7-Nov-18 (Diwali) 31-Dec-18(New Year Eve) | Applicable only for new subscribers as FRC/SRC
    5303 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming | Validity of this pack is minimum of 1 day however Subs using Idea Prepaid Unlimited Pack will get validity upto expiry of their Unlimited pack
    643 Day01 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Magic Validity Minimum 3 days amd maximum 28 days; Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming;Actual Internet speed would depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users etc.
    7230 days47Local + STD + OG @2p/sec (30 days) | 100 MB 2G/3G/4G Data, After Free Data Usage, Overage Charges 4p/10KB will be applicable;Blackout Days Year 2018: No Free or discounted SMS will be available on the following days between 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours, your regular tariff plan i.e. Regular SMS charges will be applicable as per the rates in the tariff plan on the following days:-1-Jan-18 (New Year) 14-Feb-18 (Valentine Day) 1-Mar-18 (Prior Holi) 7-Nov-18 (Diwali) 31-Dec-18(New Year Eve) | Applicable only for new subscribers as FRC/SRC
    7521 days018000 Local/National/Roaming Secs | 1 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | 100 Local/National SMS
    9206 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming | Validity of this pack is minimum of 7 day however Subs using Idea Prepaid Unlimited Pack will get validity upto expiry of their Unlimited pack
    9628 days018000 Local/National/Roaming Secs | 1 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | 100 Local/National SMS
    9727 days015000 Local/National Secs | 1.5 GB Data (4G/3G/2G)
    9828 days03GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming;Actual Internet speed would depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users etc.
    10230 days72Local + STD + OG @2p/sec (30 days) | 100 MB 2G/3G/4G Data, After Free Data Usage, Overage Charges 4p/10KB will be applicable;Blackout Days Year 2018: No Free or discounted SMS will be available on the following days between 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours, your regular tariff plan i.e. Regular SMS charges will be applicable as per the rates in the tariff plan on the following days:-1-Jan-18 (New Year) 14-Feb-18 (Valentine Day) 1-Mar-18 (Prior Holi) 7-Nov-18 (Diwali) 31-Dec-18(New Year Eve) | Applicable only for new subscribers as FRC/SRC
    10514 days0200 Local/National/Roaming Minutes | 200 SMS | 200 MB Data (4G/3G/2G)
    16528 days01.5 GB to 5GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Magic benefits minimum 1.5 GB and Maximum 5 GBFree Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming.
    17928 days0Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming Calls | 1GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | 100SMS/Day
    44982 days0Unlimited Local/National/Roaming Calls | 1.4 GB/Day 2G/3G/4G Data | 100 SMS/Day | While on Roaming Local/STD calls will be applicable only on Idea network;
    595180 days0Unlimited Local+STD outgoing + Roaming L/N calls on IDEA network | 10 GB 4G/3G/2G data | 100 local/national SMS/day | Thereafter local/STD all calls @ 3p/sec. Roaming local @Rs.0.80/min, STD @Rs.1.15/min till 180 days | Applicable only for new subscribers as FRC/SRC
    99628 days010 GB 4G/3G/2G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming;Actual Internet speed would depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users etc.
    9991 year010 GB 4G/3G Internet | Free Internet usage available in Internet packs is not applicable in international roaming;Actual Internet speed would depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users etc.

    Disclaimer: All information available on website has been collected from the official website of RBI. Although, we have taken reasonable efforts to provide you with accurate information, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the information and would advise you to verify it from the official website of respective banks. This is not official website of any bank/RBI nor we are related with them by any manner. For any queries or concerns please Contact us