Aircel Assam Customer Care Prepaid

    Check free SMS balance and validity*126*2#
    Check GPRS or Internet Balance and validity*126*1# or *126*4#
    Check Main Balance*125# or *127#
    Check Voice Dedicated Account balance and validity*126*1#
    Check Your Number*1# or *234*4#
    Latest Scheme news1213
    Pocket Internet or GPRS settingsPI to 121
    Rate special discount1215
    recharge with card*124*<16 digits card number>#
    Service packs*123#
    Special deals and discounts*789#
    To activate missed call alert service (charges apply)MCA R to 57999
    To activate missed call alert service onlyMCA R To 57999
    To Deactivate missed call alertMCA D To 578999
    To get account balance and validityBAL To 121
    To get and activate 3G servicesSTART 3G to 121
    To stop/deactivate 3G servicesSTOP 3G to 121
    Value Added Services1214

    Disclaimer: All information available on website has been collected from the official website of RBI. Although, we have taken reasonable efforts to provide you with accurate information, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the information and would advise you to verify it from the official website of respective banks. This is not official website of any bank/RBI nor we are related with them by any manner. For any queries or concerns please Contact us